Category Archives: Spirituality & Well Being

Is There More To Sattva, Rajas & Tamas?

Nandita Kochar Usually, these three terms are used to describe what’s on our plate and goes inside our stomachs. But Sattva, Rajas & Tamas originated as a part of bigger metaphysical explanation put forth by the Sankhya School of Indian Philosophy. Let’s see how!  According to this philosophy, everything in the world can be divided […]


Desire the power of self ardently and remove your attention from all other types of power, because paying attention to those types of power will prevent the power of self from developing. And while you remain dependent on others, you will find that you are becoming weaker day by day. All dependent people become weak. […]

“I teach suffering, its origin, cessation and path.”

“I teach suffering, its origin, cessation and path. That’s all I teach” – Buddha The Four Noble Truths contain what is the essence of Gautama Buddha’s teachings. It is these four truths that he realised as he meditated under the Bodhi Tree. They are: The truth of suffering (Dukkha) The truth of the origin of […]