Category Archives: Spirituality & Well Being

Unleashing the Profound Art of Healing: A Journey with Goddesses and Dragon Energies

In the intricate tapestry of spiritual healing, the convergence of ancient wisdom and mystical energies can lead to transformative experiences that resonate deep within the soul. Siddhii Shaah, an esteemed expert and pioneer of Dragon and Goddess Healing in India, stands as a guiding light in this mystical journey, having empowered over 10,000 students with […]

Set achievable Wellness Goals!

“Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.” – Anne Wilson Schaef Once again, we are at the cusp of bidding goodbye to the year … …getting set to welcome New Year with open hearts! Sounds exciting? Indeed! We all look forward to the New Year […]

Feeling helpless & hopeless? Come out of it!!

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” ― Leonard Cohen You must have noticed that we as in ourselves or any family member, friend or acquaintances immediately report or visit the doctor when we fall ill or develop some ailment or meet an accident. But do we care if a person […]

How to salvage a bad start to your day?

Many times, we face this situation when we have a bad start to a day. If we had a late night out, there was a commotion outside or someone was ill in the family, the start of the morning is not smooth. We keep snoozing our alarm and try to make up for the disturbed […]

Surya Namaskar – obeisance to SUN god!

Why are we talking about Surya Namaskar today? “Surya is the Soul of both Moving and Unmoving Things” – The Rig Veda.  It has an interesting anecdote that I recently experienced. Since Covid struck, life became Online. I must have attended innumerable webinars, talk shows, aerobic classes, music classes, piano classes, corporate presentations, and what […]

“Netflix & Uphill” during monsoon!

A long-awaited monsoon is knocking on our door… …Hopefully, it will be here sooner than later! Monsoon, not only gives relief from scorching heat but makes the weather Suhana! With clouds hovering all over and raindrops falling all over, they create a great musical symphony. During this period, we not only enjoy chai pakoras but […]