Tag Archives: compassion

Why Robai Shin?

“Having knowledge is not enough. We need to cultivate ‘grandmother mind’, a mind of great compassion, to go beyond our abilities and intelligence” – MARGUERITE THEOPHIL As children, we had a rigorous upbringing, well in most cases this was the case, so I was also no exception to this. A sense of discipline was taught […]

Forgiveness, for inner peace & happiness!

It is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive, forgive everybody. – Maya Angelou When we recently celebrated (October 7, 2022) National Forgiveness & Happiness Day, it is important to know why it is the most important virtue. Forgiveness = Happiness is the formula. If you want to be happy, forgive […]

Wild Wild Country a new documentary on zen master Osho

Swami Chaitanya Keerti Just five days before Osho’s 65th Enlightenment day, on March 16, people in 190 countries woke up to watch Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh – popularly known as Osho, and the journey of thousands of his disciples to the United States, during the years 1981 to 1985. This was shown in a six-part documentary, […]