Live in such a way that nobody is harmed by you. Live in a creative way, with skill and art, live in a sensitive way. And never become attached. Enjoy all kinds of experiences, but keep moving. Don’t get caught anywhere and then you are bound to attain godliness. Related posts: Don’t Cry, it’s Over!! […]

In the morning don’t get too busy with too many activities. Try to begin the day with more positive feelings of gratitude for everything in life. Be prayerful. Walk mindfully. Breathe mindfully. Talk mindfully. Listen mindfully. Let your mind learn the art of being super-dynamic while maintaining calm passivity inside. This is the skill of […]

Remember your uniqueness! Love yourself, respect yourself, respect your own voice; listen to it and follow it. It is better to go to hell following your own voice than to go to heaven following somebody else’s, because that heaven won’t prove much of a heaven; you will be just a blind follower. Related posts: