Tag Archives: depression

Meditation – A mantra for inner peace!

If I ask you, do you love to chit-chat? You will ask me:  what is this question, we all love to do that. If I ask you to stay calm for a few minutes, close your eyes, concentrate, and talk to yourself? Would you, do it? Your answer may be no, you will say: Why […]

Are you anxious forever?

“Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.” —Charles Spurgeon Are you anxious all the time? Things worry you no end? The past haunts you, the present troubles you, and the future worry you, if you are in this kind of mental state, then your form is worrisome. […]

Surya Namaskar – obeisance to SUN god!

Why are we talking about Surya Namaskar today? “Surya is the Soul of both Moving and Unmoving Things” – The Rig Veda.  It has an interesting anecdote that I recently experienced. Since Covid struck, life became Online. I must have attended innumerable webinars, talk shows, aerobic classes, music classes, piano classes, corporate presentations, and what […]

Intelligence is a celebration 

If you observe this, you will find all the miserable people have more or less similar qualities. They will be grumpy, complaining all the time, any small thing would irritate them, and even a smile from someone will make them suspicious and worried. They may have a big ego, but a very low esteem of themselves. Such people would find thousands of reasons to be unhappy with life.