Category Archives: Positive Psychology

Kindness is important character strength of happy person

Kindness and generosity are important character strength of a happy person. If you are kind and generous to others and are always willing to do favours to others it is more likely that you shall be happier than others. In that case,  most often you enjoy doing good deeds for others despite knowing nothing about […]

The Causes & Cures Of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a disorder characterized by disturbances in thought, emotion, behaviour and perception. In the previous article, we discussed its symptoms. Today, we look at its etiology and treatment. Etiology of Schizophrenia. This category can be broadly divided into biological, environmental and psychological factors.  Biological Factors. Family, twin and adoption studies favour the idea that […]

Intelligence is a celebration 

If you observe this, you will find all the miserable people have more or less similar qualities. They will be grumpy, complaining all the time, any small thing would irritate them, and even a smile from someone will make them suspicious and worried. They may have a big ego, but a very low esteem of themselves. Such people would find thousands of reasons to be unhappy with life.