Ever caught yourself doodling random words absentmindedly, while you were on the phone or drawing squiggly lines when stuck in a dull meeting? Perhaps you confided in our ruled notebooks growing up or have been documenting your day by keeping a small planner, we have all at some time made journal entries, though we might […]
Category Archives: Positive Psychology
Through interplay of the laws of cause and effect, which buddhism call Karma – the laws governing the consequences of our actions – ethics are therefore intimately linked to well-being.
Kindness and generosity are important character strength of a happy person. If you are kind and generous to others and are always willing to do favours to others it is more likely that you shall be happier than others. In that case, most often you enjoy doing good deeds for others despite knowing nothing about […]
Beliefs can be a matter of choice. You can drop beliefs that limit you and build beliefs that will make your life more fun and more successful. Positive beliefs allow you to find out what could be true and how capable you are.
Schizophrenia is a disorder characterized by disturbances in thought, emotion, behaviour and perception. In the previous article, we discussed its symptoms. Today, we look at its etiology and treatment. Etiology of Schizophrenia. This category can be broadly divided into biological, environmental and psychological factors. Biological Factors. Family, twin and adoption studies favour the idea that […]
As a counselling psychologist-in-training, I work each day towards reducing the stigma around seeking help for one’s mental health. In the process, I come across many misconceptions that people have about therapy. So here is a list I wrote of some things I feel no one ever tells you about therapy. I hope this clears […]
If you observe this, you will find all the miserable people have more or less similar qualities. They will be grumpy, complaining all the time, any small thing would irritate them, and even a smile from someone will make them suspicious and worried. They may have a big ego, but a very low esteem of themselves. Such people would find thousands of reasons to be unhappy with life.
By culture, she don’t mean the geographic or political boundaries that divides one people from another as much as the invisible psychological boundaries separating us from them.
Each time I’d make a fuss about drinking the milk offered to me at the breakfast table, my mother would exclaim how there are children on the streets who have to spend an entire day empty stomach. The three year old Nandita never understood this correlation and she fails to understand it even as a […]
Quiver free breath, confusion free mind, inhibition free intellect, trauma free memory and sorrow free soul; are the birthright of every individual.