Category Archives: Spirituality & Well Being

Nature is duality you can attain happiness and suffering together

Nature is duality and in a state of duality the sides are always equally balanced, always even. If this were not so, nature would be perverted, every thing will go haywire. So as you are moving more one side, you are gaining momentum to move to the other side. If you wish your reputation to grow, be aware that your notoriety will also grow. It goes along with it.

Tai Chi Way to Harmony & Happiness


Tai chi (pronounced tie jee), is a style of kung fu comprising of fluid, graceful standing movements. Also, called the moving meditation, it concerns with things internal rather than external. It removes hardness and conflict from our lives and brings in harmony and happiness. Tai chi, with its origins in China, has evolved into a […]

Live spontaneously to enjoy the present moment

Live spontaneously, moment to moment. This moment is all. The past has to be dropped, forgotten, because it is not more, and the future has not be worried about because it is not yet. Then all that is left is beautiful moment. Rejoice in this moment, life in this moment totally, and this moment becomes […]

A true disciple needs power for his inner search and attain nothingness

I see monks, I see holy men: there search is also fundamentally political. They are also interested in people coming to know of their power. They are not just interested in attaining inner power – there interest is in people knowing about it. Even if they have no such power, they are satisfied if people talk about them

Be happy that you are your Guru’s choice

Robot Monk

World is passing a phase of painful transformation in political, social and economic spheres. Even religion is not spared. India is no exception as well. We see conman being termed as Godman. They are wolf in skin of sheep. They have built their empires looting the faith of innocent people and have taken the advantage […]