In nature there is duality; Its very existence is based on duality. In nature you can attain to happiness as well as to suffering. And however much happiness you desire, you will also have that much suffering. Your capacity to experience happiness will be exactly the same as your capacity to experience suffering. Nature is duality and in a state of duality the sides are always equally balanced, always even. If this were not so, nature would be perverted, every thing will go haywire. So as you are moving more one side, you are gaining momentum to move to the other side. If you wish your reputation to grow, be aware that your notoriety will also grow. It goes along with it. If you wish for good health, know that sickness is standing just around the corner. And if you want life, you will also have to accept death. You will always have sufferings as well as happiness in nature. Nature is duality. Happyho also provides best Meditation and Tarot classes in Noida and Delhi NCR India area
You have to go beyond because it is duality that is creating all the problems. You have to attain to that moment when duality vanishes. We call such a moment bliss, we call such a moment peace, we call such a moment Moksha – when both happiness and suffering disappear. Moksha means being beyond duality – when you are not being pressurised   from either side when the opposite not squeezing you, where neither side is pulling you, when the banks vanish and the river is absorbed into the ocean. That is why we know the banks as friends, because they help us to reach the ocean. But we should not become such a friends with them that we remain attached to them and hold back from becoming one with the ocean.