Buddha’s religion works on an inner benediction. Most of us worship God because we are afraid of what might come next, because we don’t know what to do with ourselves. We are under constant threat; death is coming and we don’t know what to do, how to protect ourselves. We need someone to protect us. […]
Category Archives: Spirituality & Well Being
“Suffering is a gift. In it is hidden mercy.”- Rumi. Happiness is often like sand. The harder you squeeze, the less you have. While unhappiness, seems like there is an abundance of. Everywhere in society we see so much unhappiness, and it makes one wonder: Am I truly happy? Are you? I believe, to truly […]
My heart pours infinite love and blessings to you on this auspicious day of Guru Purnima. It is a day of affirming the truth, “Na Gurur Adhikam, Na Gurur Adhikam, Na Gurur Adhikam”, Nothing greater than the Guru, Nothing greater than the Guru, Nothing greater than the Guru! What Is Guru? Guru is the Light of […]
The existence of god has always been a matter of great debate in philosophy of religion. Arguments have been put forward both for and against god’s existence. One of such arguments is the Ontological Argument. The term ‘ontological’ comes from the Greek ontos, meaning ‘essence’, ‘existence’, ‘being’. The Ontological Argument claims that: a. The proposition […]
Nature is duality and in a state of duality the sides are always equally balanced, always even. If this were not so, nature would be perverted, every thing will go haywire. So as you are moving more one side, you are gaining momentum to move to the other side. If you wish your reputation to grow, be aware that your notoriety will also grow. It goes along with it.
Tai chi (pronounced tie jee), is a style of kung fu comprising of fluid, graceful standing movements. Also, called the moving meditation, it concerns with things internal rather than external. It removes hardness and conflict from our lives and brings in harmony and happiness. Tai chi, with its origins in China, has evolved into a […]
Live spontaneously, moment to moment. This moment is all. The past has to be dropped, forgotten, because it is not more, and the future has not be worried about because it is not yet. Then all that is left is beautiful moment. Rejoice in this moment, life in this moment totally, and this moment becomes […]
I see monks, I see holy men: there search is also fundamentally political. They are also interested in people coming to know of their power. They are not just interested in attaining inner power – there interest is in people knowing about it. Even if they have no such power, they are satisfied if people talk about them
At the lowest level, not in any condemnatory sense, this energy exists as sex or sexuality and at the highest level, the same energy manifests as super consciousness–the ultimate ecstasy.
At other times in the other civilisations, this path of spiritual transformation was confined to a relatively select number of people, now, however, a large proportion of the human race must seek the path of wisdom i