Tag Archives: happiness

Are you able to conquer stress related to a job change?

You need to learn to overcome the change and adjust and interact, to be comfortable. Times have changed, particularly when it comes to job scenarios. Frequent job change has become a norm, rather than an exception. I know of many youngsters who change jobs four times a year, which causes a lot of stress – […]

Do you know about Stress Busters around you?

The term “Stress” is the most pervading phenomenon of recent times. Even a toddler, who has just started going to school is stressed, then what to say to his parents and grandparents? The term stress applies to physics, which describes it as a strain on a physical body. Now it applies to human beings, each […]

How to handle false accusation at work?

Accusation – False or True – has its implications. When it is true, you are subject to humiliation, but a sorry or written apology works besides your assurance that this act won’t be repeated. Though you are subject to great embarrassment, you have salvaged the situation. If the accusation is false or you are being […]

Is Fitness your fair-weather affair?

“It’s only cold, if you are standing still.” We are constantly subject to the news about the cold wave in several parts of India, particularly our Northern states where the cold wave is quite severe. There is fog, there is windchill, there are clouds and overall weather is quite cold and dark. Even fitness buffs […]

Do our past decisions define us?

“The Past is behind you, the lessons from there are meant to push you ahead and not to pull you back” – Krish quotes Do you regret or relish your past decisions? Have your past decisions made your life difficult or enjoyable? Do your decisions haunt you? Do you curse yourself for taking the decisions […]

Are you living with the fear of “what other people will think”?

A Roman Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius observed almost 2,000 years ago, “We all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinion than our own,” whether they are friends, strangers, or enemies. “Judge not, that ye be not judged,” Jesus taught. To put it simply, what was meant is that maybe you think you’ll […]

How does taking small meals to help you?

Are you the one who savours frequent meals or is just get satisfied with two full meals a day? Both are good options, depending on your eating habits, metabolic system, and health mechanism. In recent times, particularly during and after Covid 19, people are majorly working from home. Staying indoors has made us addicted to […]

How to deal with trust issues in the workplace?

“Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” – STEPHEN R. COVEY It is quite commonplace that youngsters today are often complaining about facing trust issues in the workplace. In the 80s when we joined the workplace, trust issues were just unheard of. […]

Memories haunting you…

Memories need to be shared.” “No matter how much suffering you went through, you never wanted to let go of those memories.” “The past beats inside me like a second heart.” “Humans, not places, make memories.” Why do we remember those people or live in their memories, whom we can’t meet? It is human nature […]