Are you the one who believes, I will be happy when:

  • I top in my board exam
  • I come out of university with flying colours
  • I get placed in a plum job
  • I get a compatible life-partner
  • I live in a beautiful home
  • I drive a swanky car

All this and more…

Is there a limit to things or situations or surroundings or relationships in life which add to your happiness quotient? Not really!

If yes, you need to do some serious introspection.

If not, you are in a happy space.

In today’s surroundings when there is so much turmoil all over the world, people are suffering, pandemics are spreading, and climate change is inflicting, it becomes difficult to remain happy. These factors make us unhappy particularly while thinking about our fellow brethren globally. Still, it is important to strike a balance by countering it with our search for happiness. Amidst all this, it is important that we create happiness around us.

Why it is believed that we are responsible for our happiness and sorrows?

So how can we be happy?

You can find happiness by simply reflecting on past happenings, some of them could be achievements, and others simply pleasant experiences. You can choose to try reflecting on your journey regularly. It’s easy to get swept up with plans and forget how well you have done previously.

How do you create happiness around yourself?

You can create in many ways by way of aligning your thinking, feelings, and actions. Besides, being happy depends on your genetic makeup, life circumstances, achievements, marital status, social relationships, and even your neighbors—all influence how happy you are. So do individual ways of thinking and expressing feelings. Research shows that much of happiness is under personal control.

What do we mean when we say that happiness is under our control? Diener identifies five factors that contribute to happiness: social relationships, temperament/adaptation, money, society and culture, and positive thinking styles. Happy people have strong social relationships.

What are the critical keys to happiness?

Scientists have found that the three things that make people most happy are PLEASURE (doing things you enjoy), ENGAGEMENT (feeling interested in your activities and connected to others), and MEANING (feeling like what you do matters).

What are the keys to happiness?

A few essential keys to happiness and success will help to materialize both of these things in your life.

  • Gratitude
  • Being Present
  • Managing Time Effectively
  • Setting Smarter Goals
  • Embody an Empowering Morning Routine
  • Focus on Health and Wellbeing

What is the golden rule of happiness?

The golden rule of happiness is that “the more you make others happy: the happier you will be”.

 Happiness level 1: Happiness from material objects.

  • Happiness level 2: Ego gratification.
  • Happiness level 3: The happiness from doing good for others and making the world a better place
  • Happiness level 4: Ultimate, perfect happiness.

If you’re wondering how to find happiness alone, right now, know that it may be easier than you think.

Here are some quick ways to get you feeling happier:

  • Exercise: One systematic review found that even as little as 10 minutes a day of exercise (or one day of exercise per week) goes a long way in boosting feelings of happiness.
  • Practice gratitude: Reflecting on what you’re feeling grateful for (like a roof over your head, your best friend, or your family) can boost feelings of well-being and combat stress.
  • Smile: One study found that the act of smiling increased feelings of happiness in participants. You might also try laughter yoga, or the practice of using breathwork to trigger laughter, which has the potential to reduce anxiety and depression.
  • Take a deep breath: Taking a deep breath—also called diaphragmatic breathing—promotes relaxation, and may even decrease cortisol in the body (known as the “stress hormone”).

Let’s consider some of the countries’ happiness quotients: The British valued positive change, Americans grew happy when those around them were happy, Australians became happy when remembering positive memories, and South Koreans were happiest when engaged in collectivistic and spiritual pursuits.

This way we see that the pursuit of happiness is individual but sometimes it is collective too, even as a nation. But it depends entirely on you how to charge the meter of your happiness as happiness is ever-changing and your happiness meter can always be boosted.

If you truly want to pursue happiness, surround yourself with positivity and see beyond your present circumstances to the bigger picture, both in terms of people and your place in the greater universe.

So spread happiness and HappyHo.