Category Archives: Spirituality & Well Being

What Do The Upanishads Have To Say About The Self?

The individual self stands self proved and is always immediately felt and known. There can be neither doubt nor denial regarding its existence. The individual self is the highest thing we know and it is the nearest approach to the Absolute, though it is not itself the Absolute. In fact the individual self is a […]

A man of tao has no choice he lives in choicelessness

You can interpret that this cloud is moving towards the north because it has a choice, it has chosen to move north. But you are wrong; the cloud has no choice. He is not bound to go anywhere, he has no destiny. He is simply moving because the whole nature is going that way.

The Unknown About Goddess Durga!

Nandita Kochar Goddess Durga is Adi-Parashakti; she has been declared to be the most supreme and most powerful Goddess in the Shakti tradition, occupying a place similar to Lord Krishna in Vaishnavism. So this Navratri, let’s get to know more about her!  Happy Ho organizes best Meditation and Tarot classes in Noida and Delhi NCR […]

Dance Your Way to De-Stress and Happiness

Recently, a new friend sent me a significant question: Can we de-stress ourselves with dance? My answer is Yes, of course, Yes. This is what is happening today at all the Osho Meditation centers around the world. And this is the central theme of meditation techniques devised by Osho for modern humanity.   Most of the stress […]

Do You Wish To Be Less Affected By What’s Around?

Have you ever wondered whether there is a difference between non-attachment and complete detachment? You are not the only one. Many philosophers, spiritual leaders, artists have wondered the same. Yes, there is a difference. And in this article, we’ll be exploring the same! Detachment means distancing oneself from the world due to a lack of […]