“Grown-ups are very fond of numbers. When you tell them about a new friend, they never ask you the kind of questions that should be asked, such as: “What kind of voice does he have?” “What are his favourite games?” “Does he collect butterflies?” Instead they ask: “How old is he? How much money does his father earn?” They really do imagine this is the best way to discover what sort of person he is!”
Category Archives: Positive Psychology
In a time when many employees contemplate leaving and some actually leave their present jobs due to the lack of a supportive environment, emphasizing empathy at the workplace is a must. Here are some ways in which you can create an empathic environment where you work.
Optimism is a choice! And here’s how you can make this choice during each moment of your day.
Each relationship has issues. But if we focus on the positives and amplify them, we might end up fixing the negative bits along the way!
“Self-kindness refers to the tendency to be supportive and understanding with ourselves rather than harshly critical or judgmental. Instead of tearing ourselves to shreds when we fail or make a mistake, we soothe and comfort ourselves, providing the caring concern needed to try again.
“You already have what it takes! You just need to tap into it.” – This is the mantra of the Strength-Based Model.
Nandita Kochar Prosocial behaviour or helping can take many forms – from performing acts of bravery to offering food and water to someone in need. Even though news headlines try to plaster our minds with all the negative instances possible, one must never lose sight of the good that’s happening around. In this article, we’ll […]
And this is the ABCD of Human Emotions, as developed by Albert Ellis – an American psychologist and psychotherapist. Ellis pointed out that people are accustomed to viewing their emotions [C] as being caused directly by the events [A]. Thus, a young man who is not selected in the football team may feel rejected and sad.
Passion refers to feelings of physical attraction and sexual desire. Intimacy involves closeness, sharing and valuing one’s partner. Commitment represents a decision to remain in the relationship.
Nandita Kochar Have you ever met some people who navigate through their lives so easily as compared to others who struggle at every single point? Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology, has spent decades of research trying to find out the secret of the former group of people. Happyho also provides best Meditation and […]