A long-awaited monsoon is knocking on our door…

…Hopefully, it will be here sooner than later!

Monsoon, not only gives relief from scorching heat but makes the weather Suhana! With clouds hovering all over and raindrops falling all over, they create a great musical symphony. During this period, we not only enjoy chai pakoras but want to stay indoors and enjoy the weather. We love to add deep-fried stuff on our platter which we had been avoiding due to hot summers.

Weather change makes it difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle besides your demanding schedule, which makes it go for a toss. Finding time to exercise, cook healthy foods, and get adequate sleep while juggling work, family, and inclement weather besides other obligations makes it difficult, but it is surely doable. If you are determined, you can work out a plan and include an exercise regimen, and you are there with a healthy lifestyle.

Understandably, you have a busy schedule, but if you make proper changes to your routine, it might help you to remain more active. Say, for example, you can make your phone calls while walking around and take the stairs whenever possible.

Another thing that we all love to do when it is raining outdoors, is watching movies on the OTT platform, popping popcorn along with sipping hot coffee. So, next, when you are watching your favourite show or movie on Netflix, opt for watching it while walking on the treadmill; this is exactly what ‘Netflix & Uphill’ is.

Now, that your fitness regimen is sorted, you need to look after your eating habits, which compliments your fitness regimen. Many of us feel that food tracking is considerably easier than running for 30 minutes, swimming for 45 minutes, or walking for 60 minutes. While recording your meals will not make you eat better on its own, it will make you more conscious of the number and quality of your selections, including the appetizers, drinks, main courses, and desserts you consume.

This may sound strange, but your sleep pattern is also a determining factor in your fitness regimen. Compare it with charging your phone, so like you charge your phone overnight, you should make time to refresh yourself as well. Sleep is one of the foundations of good health; strive for 7-8 hours of sleep per day. The best thing to do is to stick to the same sleep routine every day. You should never miss an opportunity to snooze after lunch on Sundays as it is priceless!

Changing weather is nature’s gift to mankind. It brings its own set of challenges along with happiness. Hence, you should not let the rain wash away your exercise routine. You can consider rope jumping, squats, planks, and burpees which are excellent exercises that can be done indoors. Exercising not only helps you lose weight or stay in shape, but it is also great for your immunity.

It has been noticed that heavy downpour early in the morning ends up hampering your daily exercise routine.  Does that imply that you end up becoming fat and not in shape by the time Monsoon comes to an end? No. You can follow the tips above to stay fit and continue with your exercise regime even when it is pouring outside. You can start by setting an alarm to get into your exercise gear and start. Start by doing some warm-up exercises and then start running. Watch that you are doing it with your running shoes on.

Your routine will not be disturbed if you keep exercising devices including a skipping rope, a treadmill, and resistant bands ready for the do. This way you will not be away from your daily workout routine.

Your safest bet to stay fit would be practicing yogic exercises which is another great way to keep yourself fit.  It not only lets you stay fit but it also helps you in keeping your respiratory problems under check. You can begin by spreading your yoga mat and practicing those yoga poses in your room. You can also try out some of those bodyweight exercises including squats and push-ups. These exercises help in improving your muscular strength.

Besides, keeping an exercise regimen in place, you can also include these in your diet for the best results:

  1. Fruits like pears, plums, cherries, apples, jamun, and pomegranates are rich in nutrients like vitamins A and C, antioxidants, and fibre.
  2. We always enjoy a cup of warm tea, like no other while enjoying the beauty of monsoon. A warm cup of ginger tea helps soothe your throat and fight any ailments associated with it. Ginger has anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and antioxidant effects.
  3. Spices have anti-fungal, antimicrobial, and anti-bacterial which work as immune boosters. These spices, when added regularly to our meals, help us protect against infections like colds, flu, and diarrhoea.
  4. Dry fruits and nuts are filled with riboflavin and niacin that help in building our immunity and the antioxidants present in them keep our cells healthy and promote cell regrowth.
  5. Drink clean drinking water to fight diseases like dysentery, cholera, diarrhoea, and typhoid, it is essential that you only drink clean water and not contaminated one.

Finally, choose a partner who has the same passion as you for fitness and monsoon as well.

Be happyHo.