How about the waitress who seems to ” Just Know” what each offer customer’s need: once couple is in their own world and prefers to be alone; another couple welcomes some fresh conversations from a new person, while another table wants professional and polite service, minus the small talk
Category Archives: Positive Psychology
It is with mixed feelings that I write this at 00.00 hours between 2020 and 2021. Was 2020 a divine epiphany to test the fibre and endurance of homo sapiens who admirably faced and continue to face the scourge of the microbe or a litany of supplication to the divine for deliverance from the spread […]
Have you ever met some people who navigate through their lives so easily as compared to others who struggle at every single point?
Let us say you make the same phone call but this time you are in a terrible mood. You are feeling testy, agitated and annoyed at the error. You have been on hold for ten minutes, which does not help. When customer service rep talks to you, he can hear it in your voice.
Working on a relationship takes time, effort, and know how. the know how is emotional intelligence. If you want a relationship that has staying power and grows over time, and in which your needs and the other persons needs are satisfied the final EQ skill – relationship management – is just what the doctor ordered.
Let’s manage sadness positively at work, using these tips!
Osho People take life for granted, hence there is no gratitude in them. And without gratitude there is no growth, with out gratitude there is no religion, without gratitude there is no prayer. Religion begins in gratitude and ends in gratitude. It is a journey from gratitude to gratitude. In the beginning it is a […]
In the Lab there are two main ways to test the meditators. Electroencephalograms ( EEG) allow changes in the brain’s electrical activity to be recorded with very accurate time resolution, while functional magnetic resonance imagining (FMRI) measures blood flows in various areas of the brain and provides an extremely precise localisation of cerebral activity.
The birth of a new born baby can lead to one experiencing a jumble of emotions – happiness, joy, anxiety, gratefulness. But it also might bring in something unexpected – depression. Many parents experience what most call “baby blues” after the arrival of the new member. What do these blues look like? Well they usually […]
A fixed mindset about ability leads to pessimistic explanations of adversity, and that, in turn, leads to both giving up on challenges and avoiding them in the first place. In contrast, a growth mindset leads to optimistic ways of explaining adversity, and that, in turn, leads to perseverance and seeking out new challenges that will […]