It is not possible to live happily if one does not lead a beautiful, righteous,  and wise life, or to lead a beautiful, righteous, and wise life if one is not happy.
What are the criteria that qualify an act as good or bad? Buddhist ethics is not just ways of acting, But a way of being. A human being endowed with loving kindness, compassion, and wisdom will spontaneously act in an ethical way because he or she is good at heart. In Buddhism, an act is essentially unethical if its aim is to cause suffering and ethical if it is meant to bring genuine well being to others. It is the motivation, altruistic or malicious, that qualifies the action as being good or bad, just as crystal takes the colour of the cloth upon which it rests. Ethics also affects our own well being: making others suffer will bring suffering onto ourselves, either immediately or in the long term, by bringing happiness to others is ultimately the best way to guarantee our own. Happyho also provides best Meditation and Tarot classes in Noida and Delhi NCR India area
Through the interplay of the laws of cause and effect, which buddhism calls Karma – the laws covering the consequences of our actions – ethics are therefore intimately linked to well being. As Luca and Francesco Cavalli Sforza write: ethics arose as the science of happiness. In order to be happy, is it better to take care of others or to think exclusively of one self? Buddhism”s ethical precepts are reference points, reminding us to adopt an altruistic and constructive attitude towards others and ourselves. The precepts highlight the consequences of our actions and encourage us to avoid those that provoke suffering. The monotheistic religions are founded on divine commandments. Certain philosophers have based their thinking on concepts that they believe to be absolute and universal  – good, evil, responsibility or duty.  others adopt a utilitarian point of view that can be summed  up as ” the greatest good for the greatest number.” Contemporary gatherings of philosophers, scientist, politicians, and others who meet to discuss ethical ways of actions try to make the best use of rational thinking and available scientific information to solve the dilemmas raised by recent progress in research, such as the manipulation of the environment, genetics, stem cells research, and artificial life support.