Category Archives: Positive Psychology

Enjoy Gadgets While Simplifying Life For Joy And Happiness

The modern life we live today can be sometimes overpowering. We have smartphones, tablets, desktops computers and TVs in our faces all day long. We’re now connected to the rest of the world 24/7. This is great, but it also has its disadvantages. We spend so much time looking at screens instead of real people, put […]

How to deal with trust issues in the workplace?

“Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” – STEPHEN R. COVEY It is quite commonplace that youngsters today are often complaining about facing trust issues in the workplace. In the 80s when we joined the workplace, trust issues were just unheard of. […]

Life beyond death

When someone dies, we say, “This person is no more.” That is not true. The person is no more the way you know them, but they still very much exist. – Sadhguru How beautifully Sadhguru has encapsulated death, “This body is a piece of Earth that we have slowly picked up. Whatever we have picked up […]

Is your sleep pattern linked to a particular activity?

Is your sleep pattern linked to a particular activity? If yes, you need to re-think your sleep pattern. “A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.”  What if you are enjoying your activity and enjoying your sleep pattern? What if your activity is getting addictive? What if your […]