Category Archives: Positive Psychology

Can Well-Being be taught in School

Well-Being should be taught in school. Considering the phenomenal increase in cases of depression among the children attending school it is absolutely must that we taught well-being in our schools. By some estimates depression is about ten times more common now then it was fifty years ago. Typically in an American society this is not […]

A right metaphor can change your life

she knew that Martin needed strength, she also knew she had to break his pattern of fear   as well her own. She took immediate action and accomplished it all with one statement when he opened his eyes she smiled brightly and said, “It is just a movie babe! it is only a movie! ” Martin said that in that moment he knew he was going to make it and begin to heal.

Visualize yourself succeeding

Your brain difficult time distinguishing between what you see with your eyes and what you visualise in your mind. Infact, MRI scans of people’s brains taken while they are watching the sun set are virtually indistinguishable from scans taken when the same people visualised a  sun set in their mind. The same brain regions are active in both scenarios.

Contributing to the Wellness of All

One of the research findings of Harvard University tells that a good relationship with family and friends gives us good health and a longer life. As such our thoughts and beliefs have a lot to do with our wellness. Happy positive thoughts create an inner atmosphere of growth, while an unhappy state of mind creates inner resistance and stress leading to loss of health.