Category Archives: Applied Philosophy

Light Only Light!

Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari Hindus around the world recently celebrated the auspicious occasion of the Festival of Light, Diwali.I wish you all Happy Diwali, Happy Deepavali! We are all beings of Light going through our human experience. We are a light, luminous soul, wearing our body!  And yet there is another gift that we humans have, and […]

Self detachment is key factor in mental health

As difficult as detachment from the world is detachment from the self, a form of humility opposed by a culture that instead worships self esteem. It is a contemporary axiom that lack of self esteem is the root of all evil, especially social evils such as violence, delinquency  and academic under achievement, and that strong self esteem is the solution to all problems both personal and social.

Lessons From “Man’s Search For Meaning”

In 1945, within months of his liberation from a concentration camp in Nazi Germany, Viktor Frankl wrote the book ‘Man’s Search For Meaning’. The book not only explored the horrors and suffering that Frankl endured in the camps but majorly, it wanted to answer the question: what makes life worthwhile and meaningful? Here are some heart touching lessons from Man’s Search For Meaning’.