Category Archives: Applied Philosophy

These Sayings By Marcel Proust Will Soothe You

Marcel Proust was a French essayist, novelist and critic, better known for his phenomenal work in ‘A la recherché temps perdu’ (In Search of lost time), which was pseudo autobiographical in nature, narrated in a stream-of-conscious style. He is considered as one of the most influential writers of the 20th century by the English critics. […]

Why Do We Have Emotions? Where Do They Come From? (II)

In the second part of the series about the origination of emotions, we’ll be looking at the cognitive-affective theories about the same and also draw an analysis of what we’ve looked at in Part 1 and Part 2.  The following two theories falls under the broad category of cognitive-affective theories which examine how cognitions and […]

Some Serene Sayings of Marcel Proust!

Marcel Proust

Marcel Proust was a French essayist, novelist and critic, better known for his phenomenal work in ‘A la recherché temps perdu’ (In Search of lost time), which was pseudo autobiographical in nature, narrated in a stream-of-conscious style. He is considered as one of the most influential writers of the 20th century by the English critics. […]