In Vedic traditions one of the most difficult disciplines the seeker (student) has to learn is the art of listening deeply with an open heart and mind and then chewing the essence and metabolizing it into the pure light of spiritual effulgence. The first stage of listening from this Hindu perspective is called Shravana, which […]
Can the elements on your food plate decide how you think, feel and behave? Read to know more!
There is a way in which we can prepare completely to recognise the dawning of the ground luminosity at the moment of death. This is through the very highest level of meditation, the final fruition of the practice Dzogchen. It is called union of two luminosities, which is also known as the merging of mother […]
The only evolution worth calling evolution is the evolution of bliss. If bliss is not growing, you are not evolving. If bliss is not growing, the society is not evolving. In fact, what people generally understand by evolution and progress is sheer nonsense. More and more complicated technology does not mean evolution. It is so […]
Let us say you make the same phone call but this time you are in a terrible mood. You are feeling testy, agitated and annoyed at the error. You have been on hold for ten minutes, which does not help. When customer service rep talks to you, he can hear it in your voice.
Ohh! There is so much joy when, through mindfulness, you learn the art of stepping back from the chatter of mind and feel your thoughts are fleeting clouds but you are not those thoughts or emotions. They have no power to rob your happiness until you give them power by getting involved and identified with […]
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सपाई गढ़ ढहाने के बाद अब अभेद्य बनाने की तैयारी आजमगढ़ और रामपुर की विकास परियोजनाओं पर सीएम कार्यालय की सीधी निगरानी सीएम का निर्देश, दोनों जिलों में चल रही परियोजनाओं की करें समीक्षा हरिहरपुर घराना को मिलेगा मान-सम्मान, बनेगा कला-संगीत साधकों का बड़ा केंद्र बिलासपुर (रामपुर) चीनी मिल का सुदृढ़ीकरण जल्द समाजवादी पार्टी के […]