There is a way in which we can prepare completely to recognise the dawning of the ground luminosity at the moment of death. This is through the very highest level of meditation, the final fruition  of the practice Dzogchen. It is called union of two luminosities, which is also known as the merging of mother and child luminosities.
The mother luminosity is the name we give to the ground luminosity. this is the fundamental inherent nature of everything, which underlies our whole experience, and which manifests in its full glory at the moment of death. Happyho also provides best Meditation and Tarot classes in Noida and Delhi NCR India area
The child luminosity, also called the path luminosity, is the nature of our mind, which, if introduced by the master and if recognised by us, we can then gradually stabilise through meditation, and more and more completely integrate into our action in life. When the integration is complete, recognition is complete and realisation occurs.
Even though the ground luminosity is our inherent nature and nature of everything, we do not recognise it, and it remains as if hidden. I like to think of the child luminosity as a key the master gives us to help us open the door to the recognition of the ground luminosity, whenever the opportunity arises.
Imagine that you have to meet a woman arriving by plane. If you have no idea what she looks like, you might go to the airport and she could walk and she could walk right past you and you would miss her. If you have a photo of her that is good likeness, and you have a good picture of her in your mind, then you will recognise her as soon as she approaches you. Once the nature of mind has been introduced and you recognise it, you have the key to recognising it again.