उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ ने प्रदेश के कुछ जिलों में अल्प वर्षा के कारण होने वाली समस्याओं से प्रदेश के अन्नदाता किसानों को निजात दिलाने के लिए कदम उठाए हैं। उन्होंने शनिवार को एक उच्चस्तरीय बैठक में कहा है कि अल्प वर्षा के कारण किसी भी अन्नदाता किसान का नुकसान नहीं होने दिया […]
इस्पात नगरी भिलाई के इंटरनेशल तालपुरी निवासी और प्रख्यात पर्वतारोही सविता धपवाल ने 13वीं बार हिमालय की दुर्गम चोटियां फतह कर एक अनूठा कीर्तिमान बनाया है। देश की आजादी के अमृत महोत्सव को रेखांकित करते हुए पद्मभूषण बछेंद्री पाल के नेतृत्व में 50 पार उम्र की देश भर की 11 महिलाओं का यह समूह हिमालय […]
Krishna is not a seeker. It would be wrong to call him a seeker. He is a siddha, an adept, an accomplished performer of all life’s arts. And what he says in this siddha state, in this ultimate state of mind, may seem to you to be egoistic, but it is not. The difficulty is […]
“Without zero tolerance towards crime, there can be zero justice.” Related posts: No related posts.
Have you been labelled as an over-thinker? Are you really an over-thinker? Do you suffer from recurring thoughts? Is your head clogged with thoughts? Is it robbing you of all your happiness? If the answer to all these questions is yes, then you are… This is one of the modern-day terminologies – over-thinker or mental […]
Meditate upon your own inner existential being as the Mother Divine. She is in your breath, She is the throb of your heart, the very Atman! Invoke her and be surrendered. She is the Adi Shakti Mahamaya! Our sole refuge! Jai Maa ! Related posts: No related posts.
Be as blissful as possible , be cheerful , smile and laugh . Don’t wait for any reason to laugh , just laugh like a madman , for no reason at all . Laughter in itself is enough , it needs no reason . It is so health – giving , it is such exercise […]
“Invitation to a great journey will be an attraction to good company.” Related posts: No related posts.
life is really very short . One can waste one’s life very easily because it is short ? It is so strange ! Time is the most precious thing . And we don’t have much time .Once gone it is gone forever: It flies so fast that between birth and death there is not much […]
“Success is the other side of failure.” Related posts: No related posts.