Category Archives: Spirituality & Well Being

Makar Sankranti: a day devoted to worship Lord Surya marking new beginnings in hindus

By Navya Singh Commonly known as the “ kite flying” festival, it marks the end of the cold winters and ushers in the spring season. Each year, on the 14th of January, India welcomes a wave of festive cheer across the country. Somewhere between hues of yellow and the blue sky enlivened with colorful kites, […]

Meditation and Medicine both come from the same root

The word ” Meditation” and ” Medicine” come from the same root. Medicine means that which heals the physical and meditation means that which heals the spiritual. Both are healing powers. Another thing to be remembered : the world ” Healing” and the word ” Whole” also come from the same root. To be healed […]

The mystery is when it is found the searcher disappears

Ramakrishna use to say that if a figure made out of Salt tries to fathom the depth of the ocean, it will fail. It will begin the search but it will never reach to the destination, because it is after all made of Salt – and as it falls into the oceans’s depths , it is dissolving, becoming absorbed .

Vipassana: The greatest gift for the modern man

This is quite strange that he is suggesting to stop pursuing external achievements after he himself pursuing these things successfully, as Gautama the Buddha had enjoyed the comforts of his life in the kingdom and palaces and got bored with everything. After such an indulgence, he renounced the world of pleasures and moved to the jungle to meditate as deeply as he could.