You have heard that God created the world, but you have the potentiality to create God – a  So don’t think that God is in the beginning. Rather, it will be better to think that God is in the end. God is not the cause of the world, but the teleology, the very end, the very peak. IF you flower in your totality, you will become a God. That is why we call Buddha a God – and he never believed in God. This is very paradoxical. He never believed in God, he is one of the deepest atheistic minds ever born. He says there is no God, but we call Buddha himself divine.
H G Wells, has written that Gautam Buddha was the most Godless man and the most God like. What happened to this Gautam? He created, he gave birth to the highest peak, the highest possibility. The ultimate had happened in him; than he was no longer creating anything – there was no need. It would have been futile for Buddha to write poetry, It would have been futile for him to paint. It would have been childish. He created the ultimate; he gave himself a new birth. The old was used completely to give birth to the new. And because it is an ultimate phenomenon, the whole past had been used. The past disappeared the animal was no more, because when the tree is born the seed disappears. The seed cannot be there. Happyho also provides best Meditation and Tarot classes in Noida and Delhi NCR India area
Jesus says, unless a seed of corn falls to the ground and dies, nothing can happen. Once the seed falls to the ground and dies, the new life bubbles up through it. The death is only the death of the seed, of the past. But there can be no death without giving birth to the new; something new will come out of it.
Tantra says, do not try to control. Who are you to control, and how will you be able to control? you control will be just illusory. Try to understand. Try to understand the inner nature, the phenomenon, the dynamics of the energies, and that understanding will automatically change you. Change is not an effort. If change is an effort than it cannot create bliss.
Bliss never happens through effort. Effort is always tension creating; it gives anguish. Effort is always ugly, because you are forcing something. Understanding is not an effort; it is beautiful it is a spontaneous happening. Do not control. If you try, you will be a failure, and you will destroy yourself. Understand ! let understanding be the only law, the only sadhana – spiritual practice. Leave everything to understanding.