Category Archives: Happy Therapies

Tarot Card Reading- Where it All Began?

Tarot Card Reading

We all know about it, since ancient times, practice of reading tarot cards have been around. It has been talked about in the whole world in different forms from the time when it was 14th century. If we will have a looks at the ancient documentations to speak about, the first deck of tarot cards […]

Benefits of Yoga and Mindfulness in Noida | Happyho

Benefits of Yoga and Mindfulness in Noida

As per the National Institute of Health, an approximate of 9.5% Americans practice mindfulness and yoga everyday. As the popularity continues to grow, recent studies have shown that the emotional and physical benefits have witnessed how effective yoga and meditation can be. Yoga is known to be a Sanskrit term meaning “union of the mind […]

Yoga and Meditation Classes in Noida, India

best Yoga and Meditation Classes

With the urban buzz of our life, we get distracted and tensed that makes daily life seem sad and wretched. Yoga and Meditation is a perfect solution for all those feeling stressed with everyday worries. Not only it helps the human mind and soul but yoga also helps in keeping the body fit and healthy. […]

Reiki Healing Actually Works

Reiki Healing is termed as form of energy therapy, which despite its skepticism in various groups is immensely growing in popularity.It includes transfer of energy through hands. Reiki’s practitioners’ backs the procedure to treat several emotional states and other conditions.Here in this article we will talk about some essential points about Reiki Healing in detail.Recent […]

Practicing Everyday Mindfulness Exercises!

Practicing mindfulness—directs all the human’s awareness and attention to present—bringing a lot of benefits to both physical and emotional health, along with the relationships in life. Mindfulness is termed to be an amazing gizmo for wellness and stress management that can be used virtually at any time while bringing lasting results. It might take few […]

What to Expect from Yoga and Meditation Classes?

You definitely need a break if you can’t even remember the date you went for a holiday.You want to goon a retreat, but not sure when, what to expect, or which retreat.There are different varieties of retreat, right from power yoga to mindfulness and meditation. All this is meant to be relaxing, it should the […]

Get Your Chakra Healing Done at Centers in Noida, India

Chakra Healing

The non-invasive method of chakra Healing is an incredible solution to shift your chakra energy, uncovering different layers of real and truthful self. Sharing the interactive session of Chakra Healing helps you in hearing the whispering of truth in few of the safest spaces created for you to seek your wisdom and inner guidance. Here, […]