Swami Anand Kulbhushan World’s largest democracy just completed the election process and path for formation of the new government is laid. Osho the zen master has had the opportunity to meet both Jawahar Lal Nehru India’s first prime minister and Lal Bahadur Shastri, one of India’s finest politician and Prime Minister who brought India’s agriculture […]
Category Archives: Focus
Long distance relationships are a lesson in effective communication. One does not assume the other person to simply read their minds over call or a Skype conversation. They accept that they will have to describe their days, as well as their desires, in text and images.
He is famous for his poetry “The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam”. and is better known in the West than any other non-Western poet.
The fundamentalist priests were very much against him as they always are because his poetry became an inspiration for people to rejoice in life, and not feel any guilt
In fact, the government is considered to be the least important source when it comes to happiness. The belief seems reasonable considering most people compare individual differences in happiness within their own nation, where the government is a constant factor for all.
Some of such people may remain silent. Some may resist. Others may not express how they feel at all, suppressing all their emotions. After all, it’s not welcome to speak poorly of your mother on a day dedicated to her.
So, as per Sartre, with no blueprint in hand, you carry the onus of defining who you are on your shoulders all the time. Every decision you take matters. And if something goes wrong, you have no one to blame but yourself. Hold on, the man doesn’t stop here.
True effortless action only arises when we have been transformed from the inside out. On it own, the relaxation method cannot achieve this. However the mental stillness that it produces triggers a greater receptivity to the divine impulse that is try responsible for our transformation. You see, when we are filled with tension and worries, […]
Holi brings to us the message of spring and the celebration of new life in Nature. The essence of life is ever new, ever fresh, and ever blissful. Nature offers us hundreds of options, just as She manifests in trillions of forms and colors, showing Her infinite creativity.
While the blind are seen as disadvantaged by the advantaged, are we really fully advantaged? Can we see beyond the 180° periphery of our eyes or see our back or beyond. To that extent, are we not also limited in our visual capacity?
So they just talk about it, in the parliament discuss about it and nothing happens, and nothing will happen. My suggestion is very simple. A holy land is nobody’s possession, anybody can worship. And more people worship it, more humanitarian it becomes.”