Here are a few things you must avoid saying to a person with a mental illness (let’s suppose her name is A), along with what you can substitute the above mentioned words with: 1. DO NOT ACT CRAZY Effect: This phrase deeply hurts A who is already feeling “less than enough” due to her illness. […]
Category Archives: Focus
On How Doing Nothing Can Do Something Great For You. Just Drop Your Phone First! The smartphone revolution has placed a gadget in your hand which can do almost everything – from buying groceries to reminding you when to drink water to hoarding what seems like a bottomless well of memories. But what it has […]
Sitting with closed eyes and witnessing your thoughts, by letting them come and go, gradually they start slowing and creating passage for you to enter your loving being.
In every instance, envy is the product of a wound to self importance and the fruit of an illusion. Whats more, envy and jealousy are absurd for who ever feels them, Since unless he resorts to violence, he is their only victim.
In the second part of this series, I shall continue to address certain myths or misconceptions about counselling/therapy. 1. The first session is different for all Sometimes, the first session with your therapist can sound like a first date – you two are getting to know each other gradually. And other times, the session can […]
As a counselling psychologist-in-training, I work each day towards reducing the stigma around seeking help for one’s mental health. In the process, I come across many misconceptions that people have about therapy. So here is a list I wrote of some things I feel no one ever tells you about therapy. I hope this clears […]
A decade ago, some psychologists came up with a solution to set up Rage Rooms in the parliaments of all the countries and they said that parliaments, corporate offices, schools, and universities need such rooms as they need toilets.
Sleep deprivation currently threatens the lives of upto 45% people worldwide, indicating a global sleep crisis. But here’s why our changing nocturnal habits won’t do us any good. As per a study published by Harvard, the following six domains of our lives will get affected for the worse when we decide to walk out on our ZZZs –
I touch you, I give you a loving touch, a hand clasp. The hand is not touching you, I am touching you through the hand. The hand is just instrumental, so there can be two types of touch – when I really touch you and when I just avoid touch.
Imagine that you decide to volunteer for an experiment. You reach the laboratory and are asked to perform the boring task of filling the beakers with water and placing them onto the trays for a good 15 minutes.