In the second part of this series, I shall continue to address certain myths or misconceptions about counselling/therapy. 

1. The first session is different for all

Sometimes, the first session with your therapist can sound like a first date – you two are getting to know each other gradually. And other times, the session can be all about you directly jumping into outlining your concerns. There is no set format about how each session should work. It all depends on how you as a client wish to take things forwards. Remember the therapist is there for you.  Happy Ho organizes best Meditation and Tarot classes in Noida and Delhi NCR area in India.

2. Therapy is for everyone

The rich, the poor, the middle class, men, women, gender fluid, LGBTQIA+ – you name it and therapy is available for the concerned person. As long as you are a human, you can avail counselling. Infact, many centres are gradually coming up to even help the differently abled avail the services of a therapist.

3. It is a slow process

Your maladaptive patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving were created over years. Expecting your therapist to help you undo them reflects the thinking of the current culture to subdue pain with a quick pill. But fortunately or unfortunately, your therapist and you need to work hard for multiple sessions to achieve substantial change in your life.

4. It can be an exhausting process

Since we, as therapists, will not be giving you advice or ready made solutions, you’ll have to come up with those of your own. Yes, we’ll help you get there. But you will be doing most of the hard work. And that can be quite exhausting. 

5. You do not always feel light or happy after a session

Sometimes, you may walk out feeling angry, distressed or sad after a session. That’s extremely human. When you sit down to uncover your past truthfully, you can experience certain uncomfortable emotions. This means that you are being true to the process, this also means that you are growing. 

6. Get ready to do some homework

Yes, sometimes you’ll be sent back with homework. During therapy, it is given to ensure that you continue to address the concerns for the time you do not see your therapist. The process does not get over when you walk out of that room after an hour long session; it in fact continues to the outside world.

7. Being in therapy means embracing small changes over time

Some sudden break through is very unlikely to happen in a session. What is going to happen is little little changes over time, changes that are more likely to persist. 
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8. Therapy is a beautiful process of opening up to a complete stranger

Isn’t it mesmerizing how you are willing to open up to someone with all your secrets, someone you don’t even know? That’s the magic of human interaction. Even if tomorrow bots were to take over everything, therapy is one field they won’t be able to touch because humans thrive on connection with those like them. 

Is there a third and final part to this series? Yes, there is! Stay tuned for it.

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