

If one is not able to become a song, life remains empty, meaningless. And people try to become everything except a song. They want to become rich, powerful, famous. But in becoming rich, in becoming politically powerful, in becoming famous, they lose all the qualities that can make their life joyous. They lose all cheerfulness, […]

Mind tends to convert every experience into a question

The human mind tends to covert every experience into a question. That is a very destructive step. Please avoid it. the purpose of being closer to a master is not know that which is not knowable, to know that which is not expressible, to know that which cannot be put into words. When it stats […]

सीएम योगी संग हेलीकॉप्टर में बैठ गदगद हुए बच्चे

सीएम योगी संग हेलीकॉप्टर में बैठ गदगद हुए बच्चे लखनऊ लौटते समय एमपी पालीटेक्निक हैलीपैड पर बच्चों से मिले मुख्यमंत्री* बच्चों को चाकलेट देकर दुलारा, बातचीत की, बच्चों ने सीएम को भेंट किया गुलाब का फूल* नथमलपुर के आसपास के बच्चों के लिए आज के दिन को मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ ने यादगार बना दिया। लखनऊ […]

युक्रेन से बच्चों की सकुशल वापसी मोदी सरकार की संवेदनशीलता: सीएम

युक्रेन से बच्चों की सकुशल वापसी मोदी सरकार की संवेदनशीलता: सीएम वापस आये विद्यार्थियों के कैरियर पर भी विचार कर रही है सरकार: मुख्यमंत्री मुख्यमंत्री ने युक्रेन से लौटे 16 विद्यार्थियों और उनके अभिभावकों से की मुलाकात मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ ने युक्रेन से लौटे गोरखपुर के 16 मेडिकल के छात्र/छात्राओं और उनके अभिभावकों से मुलाकात […]

Attainment of truth demands effort and discipline

How can our consciousness be free? How can we free and release our consciousness? How can we bring a mind that is bound, imprisoned in patterns out of the prison? The greatest problem that human beings face is the release and freedom of their consciousness. the question is not about a God, the question is about the freedom of consciousness. 

If mind becomes centre of our being it creates split personality

Man has turned upside down; by putting all the weight into the head, he has gone into a headstand. And with each passing day, we go on increasing the weight. When we send our children to school, they come back home merely with a little more weight in their heads. They are not able to learn anything else there.