The human mind tends to covert every experience into a question. That is a very destructive step. Please avoid it. the purpose of being closer to a master is not know that which is not knowable, to know that which is not expressible, to know that which cannot be put into words. When it stats happening don’t make a problem out of it, don’t create a question out of it, because your very questioning will become a stopping. Then your mind will have a stated something else. Then you are distracted. Happyho also provides best Meditation and Tarot classes in Noida and Delhi NCR India area
When it starts happening, enjoy it, love it, be nourished by it, savour it, dance it, sing it, but don’t make a question about it. Just be it. And allow it total space. It will grow. It needs space in you to grow.
Don’t be in a hurry to make a theory out of it. Theories are very dangerous. They can kill the child in the womb. The moment you start thinking in terms of analysing , knowing what it is and what is not, comparing ,labelling, you are moving towards an abortion. You will miss something that was going to grow – you killed it. Don’t be suicidal, don’t be analytical, just allow it.Feel its presence – but not with the mind. Feel its presence with your totality. Let your heart be open to it and it will grow.
And in that very growth by and by understanding will come. Understanding is not going to come through analysis, through thinking, through brooding, through logic. Understanding is going to come by deeper and deeper experience.
You say something has happened to you though me, but it is something which is inexpressible. Let it be so, Be happy. You are blessed when something inexpressible starts happening then you are on the right track, you are moving towards godliness the ultimate mystery. Whenever you have something within you which you cannot understand that simply shows something bigger than you has entered in you – otherwise you could have understood it, you could have figured it out. Something bigger than the mind has penetrated you, a ray of light in the dark soul, a ray of light in dark night of the mind. The mind cannot comprehend it; it is beyond its understanding. Bt not beyond understand remember. Beyond the understanding of the total organ of your total being of your totality.