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“Our reality is ineluctable, why be delusional.” Related posts: No related posts.
Beauty is not material, and beauty does not belong to parts. Once you dissect a flower, once the wholeness of the flower is gone, beauty is also gone. Beauty belongs to the whole, it is the grace that comes to the whole. It is more than the sum of parts. You can dissect a human […]
Tension means hurry, fear, doubt. Tension means a constant effort to protect to be secure, to be safe. Tension means preparing for the tomorrow now or for the after life, afraid that tomorrow you will not be able to face the reality, so you have to prepare.
Existence is like an ocean and we are waves dancing in the sun, singing in the sun, disappearing again and again and appearing again and again. There is no birth, no death – we are eternal. Only superficially does it appear that a wave is born and then dies, but that is just superficial because […]
To keep yourself physically healthy and mentally calm and alert is your responsibility. You can’t expect anyone to do spoon-feeding for this. Most of us have our own reasons to prove why we are not healthy and why we are mentally, emotionally not stable. It makes things worse. Once a sense of responsibility dawns we […]
Back in 1964, on a day just like any other at Spruce Elementary School in San Francisco, the teachers were told by their principal that psychologist Robert Rosenthal and his team would be conducting a new IQ test on the children. Such was the nature of this test, that it could predict which students would […]
Let’s get to it right away! Zeus The king of the Greek Gods, Zeus was the most powerful of the lot. Being the God of the sky and thunder, he had the magnificent ability to throw lightning bolts. His winged horse carried the bolts and he trained an eagle to retrieve them. Zeus also had […]
कारीगरों के हुनर को और निखारेगी योगी सरकार 50 हजार कारीगरों को किया जाएगा प्रशिक्षित सरकार ने 100 दिन की कार्ययोजना में किया शामिल विश्वकर्मा श्रम सम्मान/मुख्यमंत्री युवा स्वरोजगार/ओडीओपी योजना के तहत दिया जाएगा प्रशिक्षण पांच साल में विश्वकर्मा श्रम सम्मान योजना के तहत 5 लाख कारीगरों को प्रशिक्षित कर दिया जाएगा टूलकिट ओडीओपी योजना […]
यूपी की महिला होमगार्ड्स को अब मिलेगा एंटी-टेरेरिस्ट मॉड्यूल का प्रशिक्षण – योगी सरकार ने शुरू की होमगार्ड्स विभाग को आधुनिक और सशक्त बल बनाने की बड़ी तैयारी – महिला होमगार्ड्स को आधुनिक प्रशिक्षण मॉड्यूल का दिया जाएगा प्रशिक्षण – अपनी हिम्मत और हौसले से दुश्मनों को पस्त करती दिखेंगी महिला होमगार्ड्स – पुरुष-महिला होमगार्ड्स […]