Tag Archives: Relaxation

Sit back and relax!!

When the entire generation of working professionals is struggling with long work hours, competition, and other work-related stress, the importance of sitting back and relaxing becomes even more important. Recently, when Infosys founder Mr Narayana Murthy made a statement about how India can catch up with advanced nations of the world, he said, “Unless we […]

I experience a lot of tension and stress. How can I relax more

Stressed woman having so many thoughts

Tension means hurry, fear, doubt. Tension means a constant effort to protect to be secure, to be safe. Tension means preparing for the tomorrow now or for the after life, afraid that tomorrow you will not be able to face the reality, so you have to prepare.

Relaxation is the gateway to the world of infinite wisdom and creativity

Relaxation is the gateway to the world of infinite wisdom and creativity! The most wondrous discoveries in the world of science, art, literature, music, have come to humanity through the doors of human minds in a state of relaxed poise and sudden revelation of intuitive rapture! Become the conduit; the instrument of the Divine, all […]