Once you see within you, you will find two minds, one that relates to your memories, past and future and the objective world of multiplicity, and the other that is pure Knowingness. Witness. Sakshi. Spirit Self. The more you stray away from your witnessing self and get entangled with the objective drama of life the […]
“The denouement of our life will be a mystery.” Related posts: No related posts.
Forgiving ourselves is a process which doesn’t finish overnight. It might take some days or months or even years. Let’s see how to do it better!
Have you ever wondered why you do not question twice when someone asks you to do something you enjoy doing? And why even getting a glass from the water cooler ten steps away can sound like such an exhausting task? Have you ever wondered why you continue doing certain things your parents told you to […]
मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ ने मंगलवार को उत्तर प्रदेश में चित्रकूट में पौधारोपण कर मेगा पौधरोपण अभियान की शुरूआत की। 15 अगस्त तक राज्य भर में करीब 35 करोड़ पौधे लगाए जाएंगे। जब ये बड़े हो जाएंगे तो ये पेड़ राज्य के लोगों को ऑक्सीजन देने के लिए पर्याप्त होंगे और 2030 तक उत्तर प्रदेश के […]
“If the heart is at the right place, there can be no break at the wrong place.” Related posts: No related posts.
Even the greatest physicists could not fathom what energy is! So also life is lived without knowing what the life principle is! Don’t get obsessed with the peripherals; the vast continent of pure love and light is alive and waiting to be explored! Live to be alive and aware so that every moment is filled […]
To accept and end grief is possible. One way that many people have used and found helpful is a variation on the method for completing unfinished business. No matter how long ago your loved one died, you will find this most effective.
If we study the life of successful persons we find that they have very strong power of positive emotions in their character and that helps them to go on scripting a successful life which is not measured by material gains alone
Mind lives in doubt. Doubt is the climate which is essential for the mind to exist. In the same way, trust is the climate in which the heart grows. They are polar opposites. If one wants to live in the mind, one has to go on increasing one’s doubt. Then the whole effort should be […]