All of us know about the treadmill, as we have used it at some or other point in our lives to shed that excess baggage (read weight), acquired over a period of time. So, when that excess baggage is shed, we are happy, we stop using it. Now that excess baggage returns, we become unhappy […]
The most powerful mantra for self-motivation is “By God’s grace, I can”. With Him/Her, I can surmount all obstacles and transform them into steps to success and abundance. Life is how we make it or mar it. Every one of us is called upon to make the right choice that can take us to our […]
These tantalising words could be good for sexual liberation, but can it be described as Tantra. I don’t want to be so judgemental as to condemn them, because the modern practitioners of Tantra would argue: This too is Tantra. It is a good beginning of Tantra.
Being aware of your breathing in a simple thing you can do anywhere, anytime to induce mindfulness. There are number of ways you can focus on your breathing- you can start by being aware that, like the ocean waves your breaths come and go. Each time you breathe out, you can let go and release […]
… and I am not talking variety in general… I am talking about the myriad spices (literally) that make the repertoire of an Indian kitchen cupboard and/ or drawer- sometimes spanning across several depending upon how many chefs (believing themselves to be so) exist across how many cuisines. Well you see, Indian cuisine is not […]
But Frederich Nietzsche statement is only half: Nobody has tried to make it complete. It looks complete, but Frederich Nietzsche was not aware that there are religions in the world that have no God, Yet even those religions man is not free. He was not aware of Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism – the most profound religions of all.
“Pause is a rest worth taking to repurpose.” Related posts: No related posts.
When you trust her intelligence, her understanding, her awareness, you trust it. And if she finds that she would like to move into love with somebody else, it is perfectly okay.
Shuddhaanandaa Brahamchari In the previous parts you have learned the different aspects of Self Management. I am attempting to tell you about recognising the true purpose of work. Which surely creates well being in self management. Recognizing the True Purpose of Work Our day-to-day activities or work can be the means of self-discovery. We are […]
Your being is beyond you. This means that you are made up of two parts: one is your outgoing face – your senses – your body, your mind, your ego. The ego is sum total of all of these; it reaches outwards.