The whole world appears to be in turmoil. No country in the world is living without fear of war. US, UK, Japan, North Korea, India, Pakistan, China, Russia, ISIS affected countries, Israel, Turkey and several more. Each has both internal and external conflicts. So much so peace and happiness loving countries such as Bhutan and […]
Happiness does not come with any dates of the calendar. It comes as a fresh breeze whenever it comes. Most of the time it depends on our acceptability and receptivity–how we receive and perceive it. And the real source is within us–eternally there, waiting to express itself. It is our own negative attitude towards life […]
“We dilute others’ problems and inflate our problems.” Related posts: No related posts.
कोच्चि में नेशनल हाइवे पर गड्ढे के कारण एक स्कूटर चालक की मौत के बाद केरल हाई कोर्ट ने शनिवार को नेशनल हाइवे अथॉरिटी ऑफ इंडिया (NHAI) को गड्ढों को तुरंत भरने का निर्देश दिया है। मालूम हो कि, एर्नाकुलम जिले के नेदुंबस्सेरी नेशनल हाइवे पर गड्ढे के कारण शुक्रवार को 52 साल के परवूर […]
Don’t Blame, Be responsible, Be happy. Blame is a huge cause of unhappiness. We do not take responsibility for our anger, anxiety, and frustrations. We look for someone to blame and do not loose any opportunity to be angry and frustrated. After having practiced patience for several years a friend of mine thought of taking […]
The manager thinks his tirade was good for productivity because the rant ” scared people straight,” but their fear soon settles into caution. To perform at their best the team members need to take risks, stretch themselves beyond their comfort zone, and even make some mistakes along the way.
You are as the yellow leaf. The messengers of death are at hand. You are to travel far away. What will you take with you?
Try to stay alert! Every thought and emotion creates its own ripples; it’s own impact on the mind and your environment. Let your mind be soaked in gratitude, love and devotion, let cells of your body be soaked in healing vibrations of life affirming positive thoughts. Related posts: No related posts.
“Litany of complaints will lead to nothing but dilatory responses.” Related posts: No related posts.
सरकार ने सरकारी कर्मचारियों को बड़ी खुखखबरी दी है। सरकार ने इन कर्मचारियों के महंगाई भत्ते में एक साथ 6 प्रतिशत की बढ़ोतरी की घोषणा कर दी है। इस कदम से करीब 3.8 लाख सरकारी कर्मचारियों को फायदा होगा। यह बढ़ोतरी छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य सरकार की ओर से की गई है, 6 प्रतिशत की बढ़ोतरी के […]