A Sannyasin learning energy healing from Swami Chaitanya Keerti

A divine voice is always there in the heart, always calling you. But you are not available; you are engaged in mundane affairs, in ordinary things. Your mind is full of unnecessary rubbish, busy without business. So you go on missing the small voice within. Once the mind is silent, without any thoughts, suddenly the […]

Are you in a dilemma about settling down in life?

One of the biggest dilemmas one faces in adult life is of settling down in life. What is settling down in life? : to begin to live a quiet and steady life by getting a regular job, getting married, etc. In our times, settling down implied completing education and getting married. It was our parent’s belief […]


The intelligent person is one who lives according to his own light. Whatsoever the risk, he is capable of taking it because he relies on his own intelligence. He knows that the greater the challenge, the greater will be his intelligence; hence he accepts challenges. He lives in danger because intelligence grows only in danger, […]