Mindfulness means you are calm in your mind and are not so much judgmental or reactive. This practice demands your mind to switch off from mechanical repetition to get connected to your inner core. Experience this right now by connecting your mind to your in-breath! Breathe in deep, aware, ‘I know I am breathing in’! […]

Are you able to conquer stress related to a job change?

You need to learn to overcome the change and adjust and interact, to be comfortable. Times have changed, particularly when it comes to job scenarios. Frequent job change has become a norm, rather than an exception. I know of many youngsters who change jobs four times a year, which causes a lot of stress – […]

The moment one starts seeking and searching for oneself, one becomes the blessed one. The inquiry itself is the beginning of the transformation. The more passionate the inquiry is, the sooner the transformation will come. Make it intense, make it total. Related posts: No related posts.

Each moment is so inestimably valuable , each moment is such a gift that one cannot be thankful enough for it. There is no way to show our gratitude to existence . Its gift is of such immense proportions that we don’t really deserve it . Existence has given out of its abundance . Knowing […]