Do you devote long hours in the office?

A company in MP’s Indore is in the news for a different reason. It wants its employees out – no not the way of laying off, but leaving the office at a stipulated time every working day. Sounds strange? Yes, it does! Probably, the times are getting passe when working rather than sitting late was […]

Why Crying Is Good For You

Letting a tear or two roll down isn’t so bad. Let’s see why! Crying Makes You Feel Good/Light Ever felt lighter after crying for some good amount of time? That’s because when you cry, the body releases oxytocin and endogenous opioids, otherwise known as endorphins. These feel good hormones relieve you of both physical and […]

A dance is pure when the dancer dissolves into it, when the dancer is no longer there, when you cannot find the dancer and only the dance remains. That’s what meditation is sannyas is, ecstasy is, and ultimately that’s what existence is. Slowly, slowly, learn how to dissolve. Dissolve in any act, then that act […]

Life is a miracle . In fact there is no explanation for it , for why it should be . Neither the philosopher nor the theologian , nor even the scientist , has been able to explain why life should exist at all . And I don’t think it is ever going to be explained […]