Knowledge is easy and cheap. One can accumulate as much as one wants, and one can take it from others. But wisdom is costly, very precious.  One has to pay for it with great effort, awareness, meditativeness. Nobody can give it to you and nobody can take it away from you, It is absolutely your […]

You can avoid a lot of stress by proper planning of the day’s task and doing one thing at a time. Do every activity mindfully so that every action brings a sense of fulfilment and happiness so that your inner Spirit soul is happy! And as a consequence, happiness and health envelopes you. Related posts: […]

Silence is neither German nor English nor French. Anybody who falls into silence is no longer part of any nationality, any linguistic group, any race, any religion. Silence knows no boundaries, it is infinite; and to be in silence is to be in prayer. Related posts: Walk slowly towards your goals…

“The real intent behind an action will always be latent till visible.” Related posts: A Look Inside A Spiritual Community | Papae Meditation Retreat 10 DAY VIPASSANA RETREAT | my silent meditation retreat experience. *life-changing.* Be the change! (2) Balance Sheet of Life Vedantic Meditation: Retreat (Part 4) | Swami Sarvapriyananda