Arguably one of the most significant contributions of psychology is that our understanding of ourselves is more defined by what we believe in our heads than by the actual external world that we experience.
Author Archives: Jwalant Swaroop
Social Loafing does not occur solely in physical performance we slack off mentally, too. For example in meetings the larger the team the weaker our individual participation. However, once a certain number of participants is involved,
Man has tried to be unnatural. We are not willing to be natural; all our culture and civilization have been nothing but an effort to be unnatural. We should not be as we are; we have to be something else. This race to be something else, something different, has destroyed all our spontaneity and naturalness. […]
They have added to the beauty of existence, but nobody should be so arrogant as to say, “I am the last.”
Well-intact emotional health helps us create more happiness in our lives. It does not mean that we have to always be happy, contrary to the common perception that someone who is emotionally doing fine is always happy. Rather, it means that we are happy and content at our core despite the hardships we face each day.
“Be in the moment” – no matter which part of the world we live in, all of us have heard this phrase at some point in our lives. And yet for some reason, we always find our heads anywhere except for in the present.
That is why Buddha was silent – because language cannot now express that which is beyond polarities. He cannot say, ” Now I am filled with filled with bliss” is possible only with a background of suffering and anguish.
Beauty is not material, and beauty does not belong to parts. Once you dissect a flower, once the wholeness of the flower is gone, beauty is also gone. Beauty belongs to the whole, it is the grace that comes to the whole. It is more than the sum of parts. You can dissect a human […]
Tension means hurry, fear, doubt. Tension means a constant effort to protect to be secure, to be safe. Tension means preparing for the tomorrow now or for the after life, afraid that tomorrow you will not be able to face the reality, so you have to prepare.
The Gods were very curious to see this man who had become empty of himself and they couldn’t wait anymore. So they played a trick. They went to the kitchen as Tozan was coming from his morning walk. They grabbed a handful of rice and wheat and threw it onto his path.