So darkness has deep relaxation in it, and those who are afraid of darkness cannot relax. It is impossible, because every relaxation is dark. And darkness sounds your life on both the sides.
Author Archives: Jwalant Swaroop
When man and woman decide to live together as a couple, their feminine and the masculine energies melt into each other–this is a natural happening. In the beginning, when they are in love, they care more for each other and the love between them is given more value.
Yes, what a grace our breath is! The whole universe is breathing through us. As we meditate upon our breath, as the mind surfs the breaths and experiences the flow of the vital life energy in and out, bridging the inner and the outer worlds, we are in spontaneous state of unity. We are instantly centered. We are in bliss!
Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman and Amostversky has studied this extensively. We are easy prey for the conjunction fallacy because we have an inate attraction to ” harmonious”or ” Plausible” stories. The more convincingly impressively or vividly Chris the aid worker is portrait, the greater the risk of false reasoning.
The whole art of meditation is to peel off these layers of images given to us by others and come face to face with our real self–what Lord Krishna calls Svadharma. The self-realization is Svadhyaya beyond the ego made of all the false images collected unconsciously from others.
If we sow the seeds of poisonous plants along with those of flowers we should not be surprised when the harvest is mixed.
One evening a group of friends were out to have some fun. It was a beautiful full moon night and they had drunk a lot. It was a beautiful night, so they all decided to go to the lake and take a boat trip. They sat down in a boat, picked up the oars and […]
Serena Williams, the well-known Tennis Star, was the Guest Editor for Wired Magazine. In her editorial she says, “Back in 2008, when I was competing in the US Open, I would keep little ‘match books,’ where I’d write affirmations to myself and read them during matches. It worked pretty well. But before long I found […]
Interestingly we experience the emotions in present but they are actually our passage into past or in future.
Nandita Kochar Yes, there most definitely is. Detachment means distancing oneself from the world due to a lack of interest. Detachment finds its home in aloofness. It’s a form of escapism, the kind that causes suffering in the end. Non-attachment is a practice of mindfulness and being wholly in the present. It’s also not letting […]