Author Archives: Bienu Varma Vaghela

How does taking small meals to help you?

Are you the one who savours frequent meals or is just get satisfied with two full meals a day? Both are good options, depending on your eating habits, metabolic system, and health mechanism. In recent times, particularly during and after Covid 19, people are majorly working from home. Staying indoors has made us addicted to […]

How to deal with trust issues in the workplace?

“Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” – STEPHEN R. COVEY It is quite commonplace that youngsters today are often complaining about facing trust issues in the workplace. In the 80s when we joined the workplace, trust issues were just unheard of. […]

Memories haunting you…

Memories need to be shared.” “No matter how much suffering you went through, you never wanted to let go of those memories.” “The past beats inside me like a second heart.” “Humans, not places, make memories.” Why do we remember those people or live in their memories, whom we can’t meet? It is human nature […]

Memories haunting you…

Memories need to be shared.” “No matter how much suffering you went through, you never wanted to let go of those memories.” “The past beats inside me like a second heart.” “Humans, not places, make memories.” Why do we remember those people or live in their memories, whom we can’t meet? It is human nature […]

Christmas Celebrations & teachings of JESUS!

We are at the fag end of the year 2022 and are set to bid goodbye to a year that was a blend of opportunities and challenges. All of us are bidding goodbye to the year with mixed feelings, as this was the year when we celebrated all festivals with enthusiasm after a lull of […]

Life beyond death

When someone dies, we say, “This person is no more.” That is not true. The person is no more the way you know them, but they still very much exist. – Sadhguru How beautifully Sadhguru has encapsulated death, “This body is a piece of Earth that we have slowly picked up. Whatever we have picked up […]

Self–Love: How to love yourself most in this world?

Have you heard this song: I am the best! Do you believe: You are the best! Yes, it is easier said than done, oops believed. We humans as creations of God are the best, but we fail to accept it owing to our surroundings, environment, circumstances, peers, relatives, and our thinking. We keep thinking about […]

Self–Talk: The most important conversation of your life!

Why self-talk is important? Why do all of us concurrently indulge in self-talk? Do you think it is some kind of mental condition? Can we control our thoughts while self-talking? Do you indulge in self-talking consciously / subconsciously? Are you surrounded with such questions when the topic of self-talk is raised? Yes, all of us […]