Tag Archives: happyho

How to create a work-life balance?

Isn’t life about having a good work-life balance? But we realize it very late till life starts slipping out of hand. We keep on working day in and day out to achieve our goals and to be termed successful, in the bargain we get a highly compromised life. “No one on his deathbed ever said, […]

When we celebrate children’s day today!

Children’s Day “A child can always teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to be always busy with something, and know how to demand with all his might what you want.” – Paulo Coelho Children are our biggest teachers, as the saying goes: The child is the father of man! We […]

I did not plan this – the life I have!

Life is the biggest mystery that we come across in life. Sometimes, it unfolds the way we wanted it to be or even better than we had envisaged. Many times, it does not, rather most of the time it does not. It leaves us surprised, dejected, and frustrated. You ask yourself: Did I plan this […]

How do “Positive Affirmations” work to release anxiety?

Anxiety is part and parcel of our daily life. Everything, every thought, every action makes us anxious. Are you the one who is anxious all the time? Do thoughts of the future add to your anxiety? Are you tired of taking medicines to cure anxiety? Are meditation, yoga, and workouts not helping too? You are […]

Do you feel life is getting messier?

You are not the only one who feels that life is getting messier by the day. The mess inside, the mess outside! How to tackle this inside-out mess? Indeed, it is challenging as it is our own doing. Many times, we notice that the mess around us is created by ourselves. We take too much […]

Are you not able to spot your talent?

Do it now! The person born with a talent, they are meant to use will find their greatest happiness in using it. If we delve into it further, talent is nothing without dedication and discipline, and dedication and discipline is a talent. Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius. Everyone has […]

Not so perfect? Never mind!!

Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly. – Robert H. Schuller In my earlier article, I discussed what it means to be perfect. Why it is important to be perfect? How you can be perfect? How beneficial it is to be perfect? What does perfection mean for you in life? Are you […]

The Benefits of Meditation

In my last article on meditation, I told you about the importance of meditation, and why it is important to practice meditation. I hope you have understood the importance of meditation. So, what is meditation? Meditation is the tongue of the soul and the language of our spirit. Meditation is to dive within, beyond thought, […]

Are you a “quick fix” addict?

You would ask: One can be addicted to so many other things, how could one be a quick fix addict? It is a solution that joins broken things. It provides an instant solution to a problem. It works well temporarily and we use it as and when required. It is a first aid for any […]

Planning to give up? Take a pause!

I recently met my music school fellow during a music concert. He has been learning classical singing for many years and puts in a lot of effort to learn, though he is not from any musical background. Moreso he is a senior Govt. official which makes the task even more challenging. I was quite delighted […]