Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly. – Robert H. Schuller

In my earlier article, I discussed what it means to be perfect. Why it is important to be perfect? How you can be perfect? How beneficial it is to be perfect? What does perfection mean for you in life? Are you an achiever if you are perfect? Do you measure success with your perfection quotient?

Good, if you believe in perfection, better if you are perfect, excellent if you do everything with perfection…

What if you are not a perfectionist?

Let us explore in this article why it is OK not to be a perfectionist.

All of us have dreams, and we have a passion. When we have a passion, we want to do it with perfection.

Often, when we have some goals, we want to start it with a blast. We want to become an overnight star. We want to achieve the best as soon as possible. But things take time. It gets better with time, but the key is to start as soon as possible.

Suppose, you have an idea, that you think can change your’s or someone’s life instantly. But you do not work on it until we have favourable situations. You wait for more time and more resources. As you want to do everything with perfection, you keep postponing the execution of the idea. And, one fine day, you find that someone else built a product on that idea and we regret it. You say to yourself: “Ohh I also had the same idea, but could not start.”

“Strive for continuous improvement, instead of perfection.” ~ Kim Collins

Sometimes, it so happens that an idea sprouts into our mind, but it takes a lot of time to germinate. But we take a lot of time to research that idea as we do not have sufficient information initially. We have some doubt in our mind and the worst of all is that we want to start it perfectly. No, that is not possible most of the time. This feeling of “I will do it perfectly” often stops us before we start. In this case, do not seek perfection, just start the work, and let it bloom. It may not work out 100% right at the first step, but never mind, even if it lacks perfection.

Imperfections are not mistakes; they are the marks of uniqueness and the badges of courage. – Brené Brown

It is good to look for perfection. That is fine. Try to do things as good as possible. That is all right. But do not stop doing it because you cannot do it perfectly. Take a step and keep learning. You will get better while doing it. Being imperfect is no crime!

OK! It’s done. It is all right if it is not perfect.

Suppose, you are a writer and you want to become a singer. This idea is tickling in your head that you want to don a Mike and sing amidst a live audience. Not a bad thought. What if you are a writer and not a singer? So, as a first step, you enrol yourself in a music class and try to learn the ropes. You find that it is a time-consuming process and need the patience to fulfil that long cherished dream. Even after learning for many years, you find that you are not singing perfectly, still, you are good enough to perform on stage. You will not attract thunderous applause but yes there would be many who will appreciate your effort. This way your being imperfect is not a hurdle in your musical journey.

This way we see that it is OK if you are not perfect.

We should not feel disappointed though we often end up with disappointment because we have under-performed on our expectations. Things do not always happen in our way. Life is exciting because it is unpredictable. The secret to lasting happiness is to enjoy the journey and never stop learning.

As Eugene Delacroix said, The artist who aims at perfection in everything achieves it in nothing.”

Therefore, it is all right if you do not sing perfectly. It is all right if you do not play perfectly.  It is wise to accept that we cannot excel at everything. Keep doing it as long as you like it. Keep moving and keep enjoying.

The word ‘imperfect’ spells ‘I’m perfect’ because everyone is perfect in their imperfect ways.

It is often noticed that imperfection is also important.

Personal growth: Without the freedom to be imperfect, people might not take risks or step out of their comfort zones, hindering their personal development.

Creativity: Embracing imperfection can encourage people to think outside the box and experiment with new ideas.

Even nature is not perfect, it is laden with so many flaws. So much so, that even God’s creations are not perfect.

How do you define imperfection?

An imperfection in someone or something is a fault, weakness, or undesirable feature that they have. He concedes that there are imperfections in the system.

Not only this but there is beauty in imperfection.

Even in things that are broken, there is beauty. Scars and fractures tell their own story – they show wisdom, experience, fortitude, resilience. These imperfections are, in and of themselves, undeniably beautiful. There are so many times in your life when you will feel broken – do not hide in the shadows.

Why do we like imperfection?

It is not just about liking, but there is attractiveness in imperfection. Beyond acceptance, some people are drawn to others who are less than perfect. There is an element of relatability that we feel towards others who, like us, leave something to be desired in one or more categories. Physical or financial, graceful, or gracious—no one is perfect.

Imperfection and perfection go hand in hand, and our dark and our light are so intertwined, that by trying to push the darkness or the so-called negative aspects of our life to the side… we are preventing ourselves from the fullness of life.  – Jeff Bridges