You would ask: One can be addicted to so many other things, how could one be a quick fix addict? It is a solution that joins broken things. It provides an instant solution to a problem. It works well temporarily and we use it as and when required. It is a first aid for any broken thing, nothing else.

No, I am referring here to a quick-fix approach to life’s problems. Also, in case you are looking for a solution: Chutki Bajate Hi! for whatever you are aiming for.

Say, you are looking for long hair and come across an advertisement claiming, to use this oil for a month and get long, lustrous hair. You are tempted to buy it. You have used it for one month and found no change in your hair. You are being trapped as hair does not grow long with the use of a hair oil for just one month. It sounds like a quick-fix solution. Or you are tempted by a billboard outside that claims you can get a chiselled body in six months by going to that gym.

As you are a “quick fix” digger, you take the membership. Even after sweating it out for six months, you are nowhere close to a chiselled body because everything takes time. Similarly, you are lured by “wrinkle-free” skin by applying that cream for 60 days. You know that it may not be a possibility but you go for that cream and for some days it works, after some that you are back to square one.

What is this quick-fix approach?

By definition, a quick fix is a problem-solving technique that involves using the fastest solution to keep the problem from escalating or recurring soon. Solving the immediate problem quickly is a good thing, especially when it impacts customers, teams, or money.

You know that quick fix is for short-term solutions, would you try to quickly fix problems immediately or look for longer-term solutions that might prevent future problems?

While they can provide immediate relief, they may not solve the underlying problem. Therefore,  it is important to address the root cause of the issue and seek long-term solutions to prevent recurrence. By doing so, you can achieve long-term stability and improve your overall well-being.

It is human tendency to get excited at the quick fix solutions as we all know that life is short and we cannot go on forever trying one thing or the other. Hence, it feels exciting and impressive to launch yourself at big changes. You cannot resist the lure that all your problems could be solved in a short period. And, for a moment while pursuing these quick fixes, you do feel better.

You get busy making stuff happen and telling yourself that this time it would be different — this time, everything would change. Unfortunately, not once did you get real, lasting change. Admittedly, you may have had some initial success, but then later you would feel burnout, fail, or feel overwhelmed.

It is not that it is always disadvantageous to opt for a quick-fix model. There are certain advantages too.

Advantages of the Quick-fix Model:

  • The main advantage is that it performs its work at low cost and very quickly.
  • Sometimes, users do not wait for a long time.
  • This model is also advantageous in situations where the software system is to be maintained with certain deadlines and limited resources.

Besides, there are certain other problem-solving techniques are also there as:

  • Step 1: Define The Problem.
  • Step 2: Analyse The Problem.
  • Step 3: Develop Potential Solutions.
  • Step 4: Evaluate The Options.
  • Step 5: Select The Best Option.
  • Step 6: Implement The Solution.
  • Step 7: Measure The Results.

So, are you the one who is looking to get a ‘big break’ or waiting on some get-rich-quick scheme to improve your life? Have you placed your great future in the hands of fate and are waiting for that glorious day when it will all come through for you?

Well, I have some sad news. You may never get that break. Fate will disappoint you as it has millions before you. The good news is you do not need fate to help you. You just need to follow “the process” to make your dreams come true.

We wait for that big promotion, that big house, a good family, and rich businesses all our lives. What else are we doing about it but waiting? We are waiting for a quick fix. We are waiting for the instant answer that will someday just reveal itself and give us all our desires.

You must realize that life is about gradual processes and not quick fixes. Whether you find yourself poor, unhappy, lonely, or defeated, there is a process that has led you there. It did not all happen in one day. How then, do you expect to find the answers and reverse the situation in one day or one week?

Nothing will change in a jiffy as claimed. Everything follows a timeline and a procedure. In such a case, if you dig for quick-fix solutions to all your problems, you may be disappointed.

“All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem brings us face to face with another problem. – Martin Luther King, Jr.

You are either part of the solution or you are part of the problem. There is a lot of beauty in the world, so go hang out and go be a part of the solution rather than the problem.”

This way, wait and be HappyHO!