The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is ranked no 20 out of 158 countries surveyed in the United Nations’ 2015 World Happiness Report. It is keen to break into the top 10 by the 50th anniversary of the nation in 2021. Several steps are being taken in this direction, with the objective of finding out reasons for people’s unhappiness and taking care of them.
In a step in this direction authorities in Dubai launched a survey on 24th October. Under the current survey, police in Dubai have sent text messages and a link to a webpage where citizens are being asked to answer one simple question, “Are you happy in Dubai?” As per the information available, they received more than 200,000 responses on the first day itself – 84% said they were happy, 6% were neutral and 10% were unhappy.
The citizens are being asked to choose from a frown, a smile or a straight line, indicating whether or not they were happy in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). If a person was unhappy, Dubai police would call them to understand the reason for unhappiness and try to help them if the reason was not personal. Happyho also provide best tarot reading services in Noida and Delhi NCR India area.
Dubai Police Chief Major General Khamis Mattar Al Mazeina has been quoted as stating that the police would call random people from those who claimed to be ‘unhappy’. If the issue fell under police jurisdiction, the police would help them and in case it needed to be referred to another Government department, the same would be done.
In an earlier exercise to enhance happiness of people, authorities in Dubai have set up computers in government offices. These computers allow citizens to provide an instant feedback about their experience.  A ranking system was launched last year to gauge citizens’ happiness level about municipal offices, including the Dubai police.