Eighty percent of Americans claim to be happy! But the situation is far from being as encouraging as it looks. Despite the improvement in material conditions, depression is now ten times as prevalent as it was in 1960 and affects an ever younger sector of the population. Forty years ago, the mean age of people succumbing to depression for the first time was twenty nine; today it’s fourteen.
Category Archives: Positive Psychology
We call these pleasurable states that we value most moving toward values because these are the emotional states we will do the most to attain. What are some of the feelings that are most important to experience in your life on a consistent basis?
There is no God – it simply shows that man knows not why he is here. It simply shows man is helpless. It simply shows that man has no meaning available to him. By creating the idea of God he can believe in meaning, and he can live this futile life with the idea that somebody is looking after it.
The first practice of our life is to be deeply grateful that we are graced to be alive with a healthy body. Bring the thought of good health as one of the first thoughts each morning.
The importance of this trait becomes clear in the debate over so called ’empathy marketing’. During the past decade empathy has become a popular concept in the advertising and marketing industries, where it tends to be seen in purely instrumental terms. I
Greetings someone by name is one of the most basic and influential social awareness strategies you can adopt. It is a personal and meaningful way to engage someone.
There is important element in the craft of conversation is Self Empathy. Over the past two decades a growing number of thinkers have suggested that extending empathy towards other people, particularly in conversations, requires a degree of self empathy.
You don’t live in the same world – you cannot, because you don’t have similar minds. Just by the side of you somebody may be living in heaven, and you may be living in hell – and You feel that you are living in the same world? How can you live in the same world when minds differ?
In India, more people died of suicide than Covid in 2020, with the greatest increase in young people. We need to ponder: which is a greater pandemic and threat to humanity – corona or mental illness? We have far fewer psychiatrists and therapists compared to the growing demand! It is time we listen to the […]
The more difficult it is the more you are challenged. The more difficult it is the more you put all your being at stake; you are ready to gamble. And of course more hope arises and more desire to possess the woman.