Category Archives: Positive Psychology

This Is How Balance Theory Explains Your Relationships!

Nandita Kochar In its simplest form, balance theory is centered around the relation between a person and two attitude objects. These three elements are either connected by a favourable (liking, good, etc.) or unfavourable (hate, disgust, dislike, etc.) attitude. And so the structure formed by the relation between these three elements can be balanced or […]

If mind becomes centre of our being it creates split personality

Man has turned upside down; by putting all the weight into the head, he has gone into a headstand. And with each passing day, we go on increasing the weight. When we send our children to school, they come back home merely with a little more weight in their heads. They are not able to learn anything else there.

Maslow’s Pyramid Of Needs & Why It Matters

Boy on a backgound of Maslows pyramid

One of the most treasured ideas in the field of psychology is a simple yet profound triangle divided into five tiers, referred to as ‘Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs’. The pyramid was given birth by a Jewish psychologist named Abraham Maslow who was on a persistent search for the meaning of life. He wanted to find […]

Lean into your discomfort

Rather than avoiding a feeling, your goal should be to move towards the emotion, into it , and eventually through it. This can be said for even mild emotional discomfort, such as boredom, confusion, or anticipation. When you ignore or minimise an emotion, no matter how small or significant, you miss the opportunity to do something productive with that feeling.