The film is set from Osho’s early life between the years 1938 to 1952, from the age of seven years to twenty one, when young Osho became enlightened.
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The meditation on death is intended as a key to better living. It makes disciples aware of the transitory nature of their own physical existence and stimulates a realignment between momentary desires and existential goals.
While most people anticipate feeling excitement and elation after a financial windfall such as a lottery win, few are prepared for the anxiety, distrust, guilt and fear that come with it.
Be sensible, select your media input wisely and stay in a happy state of mind for longer than earlier.
Fashion has the power to put smiles on our faces and of course some pep in our step.
Babies do smile all the time and yes, that contagious smile is there to make you swoon over it.
According to the studies 22% of the urban boys in Uttar Pradesh are on the verge of becoming impotent, while another 19% do not nurse any sexual desire.
Dogs seem to have a similar effect on health as human companions. A 2011 study found that pet owners had better self-esteem, were in better shape and felt less lonely than people without pooches or other pets.
Global AgeWatch Index 2015 is out. In this list India stands at rank 71. Even Bangladesh is at a higher pedestal i.e. at 67.
Philosophers have long opined on the value in finding happiness not in temporary pleasure but deeper notions of a good life.